Welcome to Waka TV! Here you can find epic paddling edits, boat reviews, instructional tips, river destination information, and a multitude of other river topics.  Have a watch and see what our inspirational Waka Team and Whanau have been up to around the world. 

Aniol Serrasolses – Kayaking Nuria Gorge 1st Descent

Aniol showcasing the Tutea with a first D of Nuria Gorge

  • Boat Models

Big Banana Canyon with Evan Garcia and the STEEZE

The master Evan Garcia steezing the lines through Big Banana Canyon.

  • River Destinations

Gnarway 2022

Zack Mutton presents Gnarway 2022, in tribute to Waka Team member Robert Eggleston who lost his life to the river. Aroha nui.

  • River Destinations
  • Waka TV

Six days with Sven Lammler

When Aniol and Sven get together it’s going to be a good time.

  • Waka TV

Aniol Serrasolses – The Grand Canyon of the Stikine and the new Waka Kayaks Stoke

Big water and the Stoke – extra speed crossing boils, crushing flat water and the skips are another level!

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  • River Destinations

Maike Möst reviews the STOKE

  • Boat Models

Nouria Newman, the Puffy Steeze and the Veneon

  • Boat Models
  • River Destinations

The River Runner (2021) Offical Trailer

  • Waka TV

Quirin Haslberger – Puffy Steeze love

  • Boat Models

Aniol Serrasolses Tutorial: The Kick Flip

  • Kayak Tutorials

Aniol Serrasolses Tutorial: The Art of Freefalling

  • Kayak Tutorials