Aniol Serrasolses
Aniol is a true explorer, living on the limit and redefining what is possible. The Spaniard spends more time in his kayak than in the sack, building up massive endurance giving him the ability to outrun the bulls and most on the river. Known for his big water prowess, Aniol repped the Gangsta to the […]
Nouria Newman
A native of Villaret de Nial (a small village in between Val d’Isère and Tignes) Nouria began kayaking at the age of 5 on the calm Isere River. Despite spending several years primarily racing slalom (an Olympic discipline) she continued to kayak freestyle and extreme kayaking alongside her career as a top athlete and her […]
River Mutton
Named by her dad with a firm hope that she would love paddling, River has not disappointed him. She is an Okere Falls kid to the core, having grown up with the Kaituna river on her doorstep. Happiest amongst nature on beautiful rivers she is at ease in her Waka creek boats. Her favourite boats […]
Zack Mutton
Like Waka Kayaks itself, Zack is straight out of Okere Falls. Growing up with the Kaituna River playground literally at the bottom of his garden, Zack spent most of his childhood on the river. Morning race laps, slalom, creeking and freestyle cliff diving with the rest of the Okere Falls crew, the river is woven […]
Matthias Weger
Mix a solid slalom technical background with the willingness to run hard committing rapids, a little bit of craziness, true love for all sorts of adventures in the mountains, and that’s pretty much Matthias. The guy who started paragliding and headed straight to the highest peak of the Dolomites to launch his first big flight. […]
Sven Lammler
Genetically engineered by his parents and the Swiss Government, Sven was kicked out of the cradle into the water. Sven is a powerhouse, built for kayaking, styling rapids many thought would never be run. Freestyle diving was also programmed into Sven’s DNA, making portaging rapids just as much fun as running them. If you want […]
George Snook
Okere Falls local hero, George grew up on the Kaituna River hanging out with the Muttons next door, and has been paddling as long as he has been walking… maybe longer. He is a paddling all-rounder, racing slalom as well as winning successive silver medals at Extreme Kayaking World Champs 2022 and 23. Kayaking travels […]
Benny Marr
Benny Marr is a lover not a fighter when it comes to kayaking. Mainly present where the rivers rage, he has an appetite for big wave surfing in Quebec. Benny is synonymous with evolutive freestyle kayaking tricks, epic high-water descents of big rapids and rivers, and kayak expeditions where few would thrive… Congo, Torngats, Papua New […]
Evan Garcia
If we ranked paddlers by style points alone Evan Garcia would be a top contender for the greatest to ever do it. EG first made his splash on the scene as a grom world freestyle champion back in 2007. He has gone on to push boundaries as a big waterfall huckster, an accomplished expedition paddler, […]
James Shimizu
When you first meet Shimizu he is the quiet and calm guy in the corner. But don’t get fooled the kid is a freaking ninja. When he goes all out he is unstoppable, his kayaking is nothing calm and quiet. James combines engagement and style, and his progression is exponential, because James only picked up […]